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Dealer services: LS
Business areas

Guangzhou Lishang I.P Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 86-20-66209883


Add.:Rm505, The 2nd Building of Shanxi Tower, No.5 Str., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, 510400 China.

Information Application Pledge

Handling procedure:

1, Filing material; 

2, Registration Authority check and receipt of material; 

3, Pay registration fee; 

4, Registration Authority accepted application;

5, Examination; 

6, Certificate releasse;

7, Publication.

Filing material:

1,  Application sheet;

2,  Applicant's ID card certificate; 

3,  Rights ownership certificate; 

4,  Works sample(be paper or electronic version);

5,  Works instructions(about creation intention, procedure, originality, and author's signature);

6,  Power of Attorney; 

7,  Entrustee ID card.

Handling time: 30 working days from the date received material. 

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Prompt, Efficient, High Responsibility , customer is top position.

Shortest, Fastest, providing the Most Effective service.

Copyright © 2012 (GZ trademark registration-company formation) Guangzhou Lishang I.P Co.,Ltd.

Tel:86-20-66209883   Fax: 86-20-28250127

Address: Rm505, The 2nd Building of Shanxi Tower, No.5 Str., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, 510400 China.

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