Brands: dealer intellectual force provider of enterprise management

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Dealer services: LS
Business areas

Guangzhou Lishang I.P Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 86-20-66209883


Add.:Rm505, The 2nd Building of Shanxi Tower, No.5 Str., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, 510400 China.

Information Application Pledge

Trademark Opposition

Trademark Renewal

1、Trademark Certificate copy file

2、Applicant license copy file

3、Renewal applications

4、Power of Attorney

5、Chinese version if applications is foreign language. 

Prcedure time: 3-4 months

Trademark Modification

1、Modification applications;

2、Power of Attorney;

3、Applicant license original and copy file

4、Chinese version if applications is foreign language

Procedure:3-6 months

Trademark Transfer

1、Transfer applications; 

2、Transferor and transferee passport/ID card(copy);

3、Power of Attorney;

4、Traemark certificate(copy);

5、Chinese version if applications is foreign language

Procedure time: 6-10 months

Trademark Cancellation

Trademark License Contract Agreement Filing

Procedure time: 2 months


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Prompt, Efficient, High Responsibility , customer is top position.

Shortest, Fastest, providing the Most Effective service.

Copyright © 2012 (GZ trademark registration-company formation) Guangzhou Lishang I.P Co.,Ltd.

Tel:86-20-66209883   Fax: 86-20-28250127

Address: Rm505, The 2nd Building of Shanxi Tower, No.5 Str., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, 510400 China.

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